With caramelized onions combined with cheese, herbs and wine, this soup is an elegant dish you can enjoy as an appetizer or even as a main course. VIDEO...
Taken from "Celebrations on the Bayou", published in 1989 by the Junior League of my home town, Monroe, Louisiana. There are lots of blackeye pea dip recipes...
This is a great use for refrigerated crescent rolls and a quick breakfast that's yummy! I used spicy pork sausage and a mixture of colby jack and cheddar...
This is a VERY YUMMY rice stuffing recipe that is most commonly used in the Middle East. It is used to stuff lamb, chicken, and just about anything else...
This was a winner in the Paula Deen recipe round up in the Nov/Dec.2009 Cooking with Paula Deen contest. It was submitted by Radelle Knappenberger and...
Recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, this is the best country fried steak. The original recipe called for a cup of vegetable oil for frying but that was...
From Cook's Illustrated. Great salmon cakes using fresh salmon. Mix in 2 Tbsp of freshly grated parmesan, if desired. The panko coating keeps the salmon...
What a great cake. My friend Donna loves Angel Food Cake...This one is for her. The toasted coconut adds a subtle flavor and wonderful chewy texture to...
My husband loves these so much that each fall we pick a bushel of jalapeno peppers, fill them and freeze them. In fact we had to buy a second freezer just...
Chimichurri is a thick Argentinian vinaigrette that can be used as a marinade or sauce for just about everything. It is especially good over grilled pork...
This came to me in an email from Cooking Light and it looks like a fun adventure, especially the spaetzle making! Sounds like excellent comfort food for...
This is one of our family's favorite recipes. It can be used with chicken or pork. The marinade is a must--the longer the better! We prefer it with red,...
Lots of enchilada recipes here on Zaar, but I didn't see this one. This recipe was based from a recipe I found in a Kraft cookbook, since I didn't have...
These are adorable and pretty easy to make, just a tad time-consuming....but worth the smiles they receive!! Hope you try them for Easter or a spring brunch!...
Quickly prepared, and the topping adds zip to the taste. Use Light Omega 3 Balance mayonnaise and real parmesan cheese for a superb flavor but only if...
This is my absolute favorite recipe of the year so far. Wow. Wow. Wow. Something about the combination of spinach and mozzarella and tomatoes with beans...
I created this Macaroni & Cheese in the summer of 2003 when our daughter and her eight children were living with us for four months. I needed something...
From thebritishshoppe.com. Nice for lunch, with a salad. Stilton cheese can be found at Trader Joes. I like the one with cranberries and I think it would...
This goes great with our Carolina Pulled Pork Barbecue, or other grilled items. We love to have it at family picnics, partly because the vinegar based...
This delicious version of an old favorite is full of tomato flavor and is sure to brin gback memories of home. If you have really good flavorful ripe tomatoes,...
I made this with a little help from my friends. It seems like everyone makes it different so I just put it all together .Now, I will always make it this...
These are delicious and so easy to make! They remind me of Navajo Tacos that my mom made when I was growing up. The texture of the tostada is so thick...
I have made many stuffed shell recipes, and I always end up adding stuff, substituting stuff, or taking stuff out. We are a no-ricotta-for-me house, mostly...
I have not tried this recipe yet, but I intend to soon. According to the article, that came with the recipe in this morning's local newspaper, these gnocchi...
Making healthy snacks from home is fast, simple, and healthier than other options like store bought. These granola bars are a great way to ensure your...
A dish with a helpful shortcut, and easy too! Serve this yummy dish with a fresh green salad and some crunchy bread to scoop up the "homemade" sauce. The...